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Remuneration Policy:


At the Christians For Children foundation there is no remuneration system for the board members or for any partners in a financial sense. Our belief is that all income earned will benefit the orphans and homeless children. All work done is voluntary. Merchandise such as hats and shirts from the foundation and a thank you package at the end of the year will be provided.


Expenses will be reimbursed when they are incurred. Think of fuel compensation or costs incurred for the foundation.


Policy plan:


Objectives and strategy


The main objective for Christians for Children foundation is:

We have set up a foundation on 04-16-2020 that will make orphans and homeless children in Kenya and Uganda very happy, because no other foundation has such a wide range of tasks as C4C. I will also mainly collect items such as school supplies, shoes and school uniforms. And as a board, we will contribute our support to the realization of a school, church, well and high-quality residence.


Support in education to personally offer for higher quality in education there and thus broaden the future prospects of the children.


Strategic Plan:

By setting up the foundation from the Netherlands, recruiting my sponsors here and collecting goods, financially have a larger share in third world countries. Through contacts, primary schools and churches, the foundation can have a large market share and offer the children in 3rd world countries a better future. Because the foundation works from a Christian point of view, cooperation with churches will become easier, which ensures that the foundation can become large. I will work with a small board of 3 to 5 people to manage all communication in the shortest possible way. This is to prevent miscommunication as much as possible.

The board will meet approximately once every 8 weeks to discuss vision and plans. In doing so, to check whether the goals and the intended agreements that have been made are still realistic and feasible.

Social media is our primary means of communication for contacts with Kenya and Uganda. Social media also offers a wider range and reach to recruit people!

In order to achieve brand awareness for the foundation in the Netherlands, we as a foundation focus on certain places. Think of EO youth day, revival, worship marathons, etc. In order to promote the foundation and thereby also establish connections with other organizations, so that we as a foundation get even better contacts for the children in Kenya and Uganda.



The C4C Foundation moves from a Christian point of view. We aim to provide orphans and homeless children in 3rd world countries with shelter, food and drink and (Christian) education. This is to create a much better future perspective for these children, in which they will soon be able to work and make their social contributions. The foundation is aimed at providing support on a financial but also on a social level.

All income that the foundation will acquire will benefit the children.

It is also important for the foundation to get people on the location moving to participate in the projects around the building of a school, quality accommodation and church, as well as water wells. This is necessary to improve the living environment of the children, so that afterwards they have a good and safe living environment.

The foundation's 3 motives are faith, hope and love !!! In this we find it important that just like the Lord Jesus walked here on earth and looked after orphans and widows. So went to the least fortunate of society to show his love. As a board and foundation, we want to propagate this to our environment.

Praying and worshiping together are the most important basic values ​​of the foundation! The gospel of Jesus Christ is central!


Market size


The C4C Foundation is aimed at orphans and homeless children. Initially focused on Kenya and Uganda. After which the foundation wants to expand worldwide in developing countries in Africa. Children are taken off the street and taken to a central point, located in Eldoret, where 150 children are currently being cared for. This is to provide the children with shelter, food, drink and education.

There are currently plans to purchase their own piece of land to create their own home base for the children. The C4C foundation wants to focus on this to invest in this, so that the children always have shelter, are given the opportunity for education and can provide food and drink centrally.

I also have contact with David Mwita in Kisumu in Kenya. He and his wife Caren have their own piece of land that still lacks a place to take care of the children. Currently, the houses there are made of clay and cannot withstand heavy rain and storms. When it has rained heavily, all rooms are flooded. The C4C foundation wants to make a contribution in this respect, both financially and socially. Provide support in the realization of a new building.

The first realizations of the projects will focus on the David and Caren site in Kisumu.

What is important for the foundation is that subsidies and sponsorships will be raised. We will do this as previously mentioned in the vision heading.

The foundation is looking for many collaborations with other organizations and foundations, because together we are strong.




The C4C Foundation is not aimed at competing with other organizations or agencies, but rather to look for cooperation and connection to make a real difference in the world. We focus on relationships and not removal.



The services that the foundation will provide are as follows:

  • Sponsoring projects in 3rd world countries

  • Delivery of school supplies

  • Supply school uniforms

  • Delivery of shoes

  • Supplying food and drinks

  • Provide support in education and sports

  • Provide ecclesiastical support

  • Building up villages, think of: church, school, quality accommodation and water facilities for the children in question where fortresses are offered at this place


Revenue model

Income source








Sponsorship actions primary schools




Regular sponsors *




Cooperation churches *




Printed clothing *




Money boxes at other organizations *




QR code and gift cards *




Packaging supermarkets *




Starting budget








The star marked calculation above is based on a monthly basis *

Topics marked without a star are annual or fixed



All sources of income will benefit the orphans in Kenya and Uganda.




Chairman: Martijn Schoonhoven

Treasurer: Jonathan Floor

Secretary: Ayla van der Pols

In an earlier meeting we as a board discussed the job profiles and together we looked at the strengths and weaknesses of the board members. We have laid this down for ourselves in a document, we have also agreed as the board that in 1 year's time we will look at how the job profiles are now and whether any progress has been made. And then looking at what the board still needs as input from each other and possibly from others to grow.


Naomi Floor

Jelmer Dijkhuizen

Mariska Kooyman

Jimmy Sattoe


Creative designer:

Liene Vedder



The C4C Foundation was officially established on 16-04-2020 with accompanying deed in which the ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) status is recorded. This is to issue a reliability label to our donors and sponsors. These donations can therefore be reported to the tax authorities at the end of the year. In addition, a business account has been opened. The bank we have found for this purpose meets our vision requirements, namely: going for a better world. This account was also free to maintain and money is easy to transport to foreign accounts, as this is our target group.

The tax authorities have established in a letter dated 20-04-2020 that the foundation is exempt from the following returns: sales tax, payroll taxes and corporate taxes.

Being registered by ANBI indicates that no wage costs are reimbursed to board members or any other parties involved. And the foundation therefore has no profit motive.

The foundation is currently looking into realizing subsidies by having contact with in Emmeloord. If this is not possible, the foundation will focus its efforts on other organizations.

The foundation already has 2 regular sponsors per month, who make a pleasant contribution. The foundation is still looking for several regular donors.

The board will take meetings to see if there are possibilities for gift cards and possibly develop a QR code so that people can make a one-off or monthly contribution.

There is now a reasonable start-up budget in which the smaller goods can possibly already be realized. Think of shoes, food and drinks and possibly school supplies.

The board would find it desirable that smaller sponsor campaigns are held in primary schools. Think of baking cakes, collecting empty bottles, sponsored walks, etc. But also providing information about the projects to be realized.

The foundation also intends to cooperate with churches and Christian events to collect additional collections / sponsor money.

In addition, there is another great initiative to raise finances. We will do this by printing on clothing / accessories (hats, gloves, etc.). With Bible texts and possibly the C4C logo if desired.

The last source of income to be mentioned is to approach (catering) companies to possibly set up a piggy bank where customers / guests can make a donation. And there are also the supermarkets where the packaging can also be donated to charity. In this way, the foundation wants to look at the possibilities of whether we qualify as a charity for supermarkets.




Financial goals that have been achieved will be listed on our website. And also the developments that the board is working on so that sponsors and people who donate money know what the foundation is doing.

Everything related to finances is in the hands of the treasurer. He manages the finances and the bank account of the C4C foundation.



The C4C Foundation finds it important in the first place that there is a good communication line between the foundation and the persons concerned at the locations in Kenya and Uganda.

The foundation intends to collaborate and spar with as many organizations as possible. The more people involved, the more knowledge.

The foundation can build on many useful and relevant contacts through the efforts and involvement of advisers.

The foundation also wants to cooperate with many primary schools throughout the Netherlands to provide sponsorship campaigns and information. And thus investing in current projects.

In addition to primary schools, the C4C foundation also wants to collaborate with religious communities that are open to cooperation with our foundation.

The foundation also wants to profile itself at multiple Christian events to gain brand awareness and to establish contact with other foundations and organizations.

The board is pleased that there is good mutual cooperation and that a relationship of trust is built up. This is done by meeting regularly, but also by keeping each other informed by mail and Whatsapp, so that practical matters can be arranged quickly and that there is also clear and clear communication in this way. In this way we prevent miscommunication on a large scale and the lines remain short. Praying together is a basic value within the board, especially to keep everyone on the same page!


ANBI decision number: 

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